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Honor a Child With Cancer

Rod Carew Children’s Cancer Golf Classic

Thank you to everyone who came out!

Baseball legend and philanthropist, Rod Carew, is establishing the Michelle Carew Leukemia Fund at the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation to honor the memory of his daughter and further propel research forward. Every single dollar raised by the Fund will support Leukemia research in remembrance of Michelle’s devastating seventh-month battle with the blood disorder.  By creating this perpetual fundraising opportunity, Rod cements his promise to Michelle to do everything in his power to advance medical know-how about pediatric cancer during his lifetime.

“Funding research for these kids is even more vital today than it was 27 years ago when we started this event. Every day we spend on the golf course raising funds for doctors to sustain the labs to find a cure is really WORTH IT! I thank you for your past support and hope you will join us on the course to celebrate 27 years of hard work and life-saving research.”

Event Photos

We want to thank Kyle Lemburg for capturing photos for this event.
Event photography will be available on our Facebook page!


Your support and participation are critical to providing hope for a brighter future for all the children and families facing pediatric cancer each day.
