b'2024 EVENT HIGHLIGHTS CREDE PCRF GOLF TOURNAMENTLACROSSE OUT CANCEROur LaCROSSE Out Cancer initiative continuesPCRF Board Member Tim Cromwell to gain momentum, with heartwarming storiesand his family hosted their annual and teams coming together for a singular mission:CREDE PCRF Golf Tournament on funding research breakthroughs in pediatric cancerApril 15th at The Huntington Golf treatment. The Foundations efforts have resultedClub. The event was a tremendous in significant growth and news coverage in thesuccess, selling out and raising more program. Learn about the moving story of thethan $100,000 dollars for our mission.Saratoga Girls Lacrosse Team. They came together with their opponents to raise funds in honor of a classmate who lost her battle with leukemia. For sample video coverage use these QR codes: For sample print coverage use this QR code:Saratoga Girls LacrosseOpponents Come Together toSaratoga Lacrosse Team Honors Olivia Sticks it to Cancer With BigRaise $10,000 for Pediatric CancerAllens Memory, Raises Funds for ChildhoodWESTERN ROUNDUPDonation (news10.com) Research, Honor Olivia AllenCancer Research(cbs6albany.com) The 29th Annual Western Roundup presented by TaxRise Inc. was held on Saturday, June 1st. More than 250 attendees turned out to experience joy and had fun with games, rides and prizes. Originally launched by John and Kim Weiner and 2024 REACHING FOR THE CURE their friends and family 29 years ago, this event has grown Thanks to the incredible generosity of ourinto a magical day where donors, sponsors and community, we are29th Annual Eventhundreds of children, families proud to announce that the 2024 ReachingHonoring and friends come together. for the Cure presented by AutoNationOncology Families It provides a carefree day of Toyota Irvine has raised $610,000 andhappiness and smiles to those countingthats equivalent to over 12,000affected by pediatric cancers.hours of pediatric cancer research! Nearly 5,000 attendees came out to show their support. To view event day coverage use this QR code:INNOVATIVE RESEARCHBe sure to check out the Profectus Blog featuring articles contributed by KTLA - TV News highlights Board Member Dr. Amanda Saratsis. Profectus shares valuable insights and (youtube.com) updates on the people and science advancing pediatric cancer care. Use this QR code to sign up for the Profectus Blog'