b'C O M M U N I T Y E N G A G E M E N T M O R E T H A N 5 , 4 0 0 P E O P L E P A R T I C I P AT E D I N O U R E V E N T S I N - P E R S O N A N D V I R T U A L LYDREAM. DISCOVER. CURE. REACHING FOR THE CUREDRIBBLE FOR VICTORY OVER CANCER LACROSSE OUT CANCER CHALLENGE GOLF TOURNAMENTHALF MARATHON, 10K, 5K, 1K The Dribble for Victory Over Cancer initiative continues to expand itsThe LaCROSSe Out Cancer Challenge gained momentum as Golfers came out swinging at our 16th Annual Dream. Discover. Cure.Our 25th Annual Reaching for the Cure engaged close to 3,000fundraising efforts across the country at the University of California-Loslacrosse communities nationwide rallied their boosters to support Golf Tournament at the Hackensack Golf Club and the chance toparticipants, including families, survivors, corporate teams and virtualAngeles (UCLA), St. Johns University, University of North Carolina atour mission, scoring big for kids affected by cancers with every raise funds for New York Medical College. Long-time donors Tom andrunners from across the country. AutoNation Toyota Irvine continuedChapel Hill and Duke University. Teaming up with the V Foundation,repetition. With nearly 150 participants raising close to $100,000 Denise Gilchrist, parents of Ryan, a 10-year cancer survivor and Kathyits multiyear sponsorship as presenting sponsor. Raising awareness fornearly 1,500 participants dribbled for a cause and made every bouncein 2023, this initiative is on its way to making a game-changing Meehan, Associate Vice President of Athletics for St Johns University,this vastly underfunded cause, our patrons came together to raise overcount for pediatric cancer research. Together, were powering cures,difference in our efforts to fund more research and defeat pediatric were celebrated. The Gilchrist family have volunteered alongside$690,000. The teams were once again the heart and soul of this day,realizing futures and getting closer to the day when we can declare cancers.their son for over 13 years at our events and have always been readycontributing over $450,000. victory over childhood cancers.to lend a hand when asked. Kathy Meehan was honored for her leadership in launching Dribble for Victory Over Cancer at St Johns University and for facilitating the involvement of athletes to support families going through cancer treatment. 27TH ANNIVERSARY ROD CAREWFIFTH ANNUAL WILL STRONG GOLFANNUAL BID FOR THE KIDS GALA, CHILDRENS GOLF CLASSIC TOURNAMENT CALIFORNIA For 27 years, Rod Carew hosted this favorite Orange County golfThe Fifth Annual Will Strong Golf Tournament amplified its impactNovember marked our 41st Bid for the Kids Gala, held at AV Irvine. outing, which raised more than $5 million for pediatric cancer research.by doubling the number of golfers and introducing a dinner receptionBaseball great Rod Carew was honored for his years of service to the The event was just one way Rod honored the promise he made tofor this milestone year. Wills tournament garnered overwhelmingFoundation and the revered Rod Carew Golf Classic, which ended his daughter Michelle to do all that he could to identify cures for thesupport, raising over $500,000 for the Will Irwin Memorial Fund,after 27 remarkable years. Additional honorees were the Ankeny disease that took her life when she was just 18. In a fitting close to thiswhich is dedicated to pediatric brain cancer research. With eachFamily, who bravely shared their story of loving and losing their son tournament, Mark Mehta of AutoNation Toyota Irvine was awardedswing on the course and every heartfelt moment shared duringCarter and Kylie Decker, executive director of management services the Michelle Carew Spirit Award for his commitment to PCRF. Ourthe reception, participants and supporters alike reaffirmed theirfor Powerstone Property Management, a long-time champion of final gift from this tournament was the creation of the Michelle Carewcommitment to beating brain cancers.our work. The theme of the evening was The Future Starts with Me, Leukemia Fund, which will provide ongoing support to promisingshowcasing the collective responsibility and opportunity shared by leukemia research.our community to help advance research, as our honorees havedone over the years. 17'