powering cures, realizing futures

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girl on horse

27th Western Roundup

2022-06-04 11:00:00

June 4 @ 11:00 am 3:00 pm

girl on horse


Events Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation



Oak Canyon Private Park

5305 E Santiago Canyon Rd
Silverado, California 92676 United States
+ Google Map

PCRF is thrilled to bring back our most favorite FUN-raiser event of the year!

Honoring oncology kids and their families since 1993

The Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation’s 27th annual Western Roundup is back!! This “cancer-free” afternoon is put on for hundreds of oncology families in Southern California. Children deserve to enjoy their childhood and this experience lets patients spark joy, hope, and childhood memories with their families outside of the hospital! It is with great joy that we bring back our Western Roundup roots for this carnival-style experience on Saturday, June 4th!

Get ready for everything you love about this event – carnival rides, games and prizes, photo booth, petting zoo, pony rides, fishing, face painting, great food, arts and crafts – plus a Live Country Band!
